EndUser Kit - Supporting tools for end-users of technology

     EndUser Kit is being started as a platform for those end-users of technology who use informative devices in their daily life and major purpose of EndUser Kit is to provide them useful information and solution for their day to day problems. Major objectives of EndUser Kit are as following;
*To provide best free software for end-users.
*To write useful informative articles exploring information technology to end-users.
*To give effective solution for problems faced by end-users.
*To show hidden features of interfaces normally ignored by end-users.
*To build up a forum where open discussion carry out among end-users.
*To reduce search time finding solution for problems by end-users.
*To collect all required information and tools at one place for end-users.
*To filter results to achieve best option to the point for end-users.
*To include further objectives which are supporting to end-users.

Welcome to blog of EndUser Kit
